Gender Intelligent Communication Levels the Playing Field
For anyone attending recent women’s business conferences or reading the latest articles devoted to the lack of women in the executive ranks, Mars Venus ask you to open your mind to the possibility of a quick, yet long-term fix to increase the status of women in the corporate world. Mars Venus realizes there is an undercurrent of paranoia and frustration about why numbers are not equalizing among the sexes at the top of the leadership pyramid. These feelings of uneasiness are in response to being run ragged by constant low-grade stress. Whenever I ask people if they are familiar with the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, there tends to be an instant lighting up of the eyes, and an intake of breath. This term coined by Dr. John Gray when he wrote his best-selling book of that title back in 1992 is now considered to be part of our society’s vernacular. Dr. John Gray has written many books relating to the Mars Venus dynamic (16 and counting). Instead of reading the research and literature, the following is a quick synopsis of why implementing this quick fix is imperative. Mars Venus stresses it’s important not only for women to remain in and ascend the corporate ladder, but also to re-balance and give quality of life back to everyone in this fast-paced, high-tech world. The solution I refer to is introducing gender intelligent communication into professional development training.
Our current expectations and assumption men and women are equal, and therefore must be treated the same is both an unrealistic expectation and an unexamined assumption. Mars Venus makes it clear, to address reality, the solution is to address the real issue, and that is the current state of men’s communication style being preferred, while disregarding how women communicate. The solution then is to teach how men and women communicate differently in workshops at work. Women are up against a brick wall when it comes to fitting into a culture that disregards their unique gender-based contributions of working and relating to others. This is where Mars Venus enters with the solution of teaching gender intelligent communication implementing a culture shift at corporate to equally embrace and respect men and women’s unique gender contributions. Continuing to force women to assimilate to a male created work climate is unwise. Now we are armed with information regarding why and how it damages both our bodies (health and wellness wise) and our relationships (at work and at home).
The latest research shows how men and women’s interaction with stress is different in three ways. These gender based traits are taught in Mars Venus Coach Training. The first is how the chemicals in our brain respond differently to stress. The second way we’re different is we produce different stress-reducing hormones. Men reduce stress by producing testosterone, and women reduce stress by producing oxytocin. And the third is the way we reduce our stress. How we produce the stress-reducing hormone based on our gender actually increases the other gender’s stress! The research is good to understand the why’s behind the way we behave, and more importantly why we communicate differently the way we do with one another; however, what is more germane to this discussion is the quickest way to balance men and women in the workplace. The easy answer is we do this through gender intelligent communication workshops.
The culture needs to change, and Mars Venus believes, the quickest way is to train people in the ways men and women communicate differently. The first level of learning is awareness. The second level is putting it into practice. Previous solutions offered saved face. This “lip service” backfired with more misunderstanding and disgruntled employees. This solution does not promote women being promoted without hard work or merit. The companies which accept and respect women’s unique penchant for attention to detail while they incorporate everyone into the decision-making process at the same time as when they identify emotional consequences are the companies gaining recognition for success and increased quality of life for its employees and customers. This solution is not lip service, because it requires an immediate call to action to train people how to effectively communicate.
When the two different gender styles of communication are both given credit for their strengths and weaknesses, then the playing field is leveled, because our unique ways of relating to one another are understood, respected, and embraced. Changing the way we talk to one another, in essence, is the fundamental first step that has heretofore been missing. A culture shift occurs when we are able to open our hearts and minds to understand the other person’s way of communicating as being a slight variation in dialect. The modus operandi of male communication patterns or else is outdated. Running a balanced work world embracing both men and women’s unique contributions acknowledges everyone’s gifts. In turn this makes the workplace more productive and conducive to both new growth and change as the workforce assimilates cultural awareness. There will be equal numbers of men and women in and at the top in the corporate world once everyone is respected for their method of communicating. Lucky for us the by-product is lower stress levels for all. This goes a long way for our economic, health, and marriage crisis; which would be easier to handle if our relationships were open, honest, healthier, and a source of comfort both at work and at home.
Lyndsay Katauskas, MEd
Corporate Media Relations
Mars Venus Coaching
Tags: . Changing the way we talk to one another, and Mars Venus believes, and that is the current state of men’s communication style being preferred, and women reduce stress by producing oxytocin., culture needs to change, Dr. John Gray has written many books relating to the Mars Venus dynamic (16 and counting)., gender intelligent communication workshops., in essence, is the fundamental first step that has heretofore been missing, Mars Venus enters with the solution of teaching gender intelligent communication implementing a culture shift at corporate to equally embrace and respect men and women’s unique gender contributions, Mars Venus makes it clear, Mars Venus realizes there is an undercurrent of paranoia and frustration about why numbers are not equalizing among the sexes at the top of the leadership pyramid, men are from mars, Men reduce stress by producing testosterone, requires an immediate call to action to train people how to effectively communicate., solution then is to teach how men and women communicate differently in workshops at work, the quickest way is to train people in the ways men and women communicate differently, the solution is to address the real issue, These gender based traits are taught in Mars Venus Coach Training., to address reality, women are from venus