Working Your Relationships at Work

March 11th, 2011

Back in 1992 Dr. Gray provided an easy way to understand how men and women communicated differently. Back then if we wanted better relationships, we were encouraged to learn the other’s dialect so we could speak the same language. Now, in 2011, we understand the research behind why we communicate differently. The message is now more urgent than ever. Not only are women not climbing the corporate ladder, but our actions of forcing women to assimilate into a man’s communication pattern cause irreversible damage to women’s bodies, and the families we are currently growing. It is imperative for a cultural shift to occur in the corporate world from the unexamined assumption and unrealistic expectation men and women should be treated the same. Dr. John Gray’s latest books explain the reasoning and research behind why men and women communicate differently based on our physiology, specifically the ways our bodies respond differently to stress, and solutions to keep our stress levels low.

Did you know when women are at work they produce testosterone just like men? Testosterone does not reduce women’s stress levels; women need oxytocin to do this. Men reduce their stress by producing testosterone. However, to reduce stress it takes longer for men to produce more testosterone in greater quantities than the oxytocin hormone women need to reduce stress. Men don’t have enough time to replenish their testosterone, and excess testosterone in women’s bodies and their penchant to care for everyone else before themselves first prevents women from producing the requisite oxytocin to banish low grade stress/cortisol in the body.

The easiest way for men to increase testosterone is relax their muscles by sitting down. Also, when men disengage and either “do nothing” or shift gears to another task they are producing testosterone. Asking a man to do something during this time when the stress-producing hormone, cortisol, is pumping through his veins increases his stress hormone cortisol, thus stopping testosterone production. After a stressful situation at work men must be left alone, rather than talk it out. Typically, men will resurface and reappear when they have done nothing or temporarily shifted gears (remember this replenishes their stress-reducing hormone testosterone). It is then they are able to talk and put forth a solution to the problem.

For women, when under stress, they reduce stress by talking it out, connecting, and releasing their emotions. This is counter-intuitive if they are dealing with a male co-worker. Likewise, if women are allowed to verbally work through the stressor sifting all the factors, oxytocin kicks in, cortisol exits her body, and she keeps going. This often makes men uncomfortable, because men tend to solve problems if a dilemma is aired. Women under stress do not need or want solutions. Women’s limbic system activates under stress making them more emotional. At work this is seen as unprofessional, but this is the way women are wired. And, their unique serotonin brain patterns under stress allows them at the same time to be more capable of problem-solving by multi-tasking and linking all facets of the problem to everyone involved in the decision-making process.

Previously, women lived in organic and connected communities engaged in rearing both their own and their neighbor’s children. The constant state of nurturing, and connecting through talking, incorporating one another in decision making, and helping one another out with similar tasks gave a constant flood of oxytocin. Not so today.

Today’s world is now so fast-paced, and full of daily low-grade stressors, both men and women have excess cortisol (fight or flight hormone) constantly in their bodies. When there is a constant flood of cortisol the body is unable to manufacture enough of the stress reducing hormones. Both disease and infertility are on the rise due to both genders at the end of the day being unable to re-generate enough stress reducing hormones to live a long, well-balanced life. All of these issues go back to one thing only, and that is how the current expectations of male-oriented patterns impact the quality of relationships both at work and at home. It should not be a question of women assimilating into a “man’s” world. It should be a question of how we can alter the culture in the corporate arena to best embrace the unique styles of gender communications to have the most productive and efficient company.

If men and women paid attention to the unique way they reduce their own stress, and respected the opposite sexes preferred method to reduce stress many problems would be solved.

Unfortunately, while women are constantly producing testosterone while at work, when they get ready to come home after a hard day they are unable to produce their stress reducing hormone, oxytocin, because of the excess testosterone and high levels of cortisol. When women are rushed, or when expectations are attached for her to nurture or give (instead of doing so freely) oxytocin is inhibited. When women get home, their stress levels continue to rise limiting oxytocin production. So while men are able to begin rejuvenating their stress reducing hormone (testosterone) when they stop work for the day, women are unable based on their physiology to increase their stress-reducing hormone (oxytocin). This is a problem we must fix. We need to let men rest, and let women nurture and be nurtured while at work and at home.

Lyndsay Katauskas, MEd
Mars Venus Coaching
Corporate Media Relations

Your Tango Expert Blog

January 21st, 2011

Your Tango Print Screen

Have you read our Your Tango Expert Blog? Take a look here.

Coach Testimonial for Becky Albiol – Ocala, Florida

January 14th, 2011

Becky Albiol TestimonialWhat a great testimonial! Thank you Christina and great work Becky! For more information on Becky Albiol, visit her profile here.

Coach Spotlight – Robyn Hollands, UK & Australia

December 20th, 2010

Robyn Hollands

Robyn has close to 20 years experience in corporate arts and entertainment – as a musician and in management. As a manager, Robyn began her career in Public Relations/Communications and moved into Business Development/Fundraising for Universal Music, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Australia, and the Barbican Centre and Somerset House Trust in central London, UK. Robyn has two university qualifications – a diploma in Education and a degree in Arts.

Robyn’s passion for coaching stems from her broad experience in supporting, mentoring and managing corporate men and women in both the public and private sector Guiding them through their career, assisting them to achieve their personal and professional goals and to have the lifestyle they want. Robyn demonstrates personal motivation and discipline and a high level of professionalism.

Click Here To Visit Robyn’s Profile

Brand New Pricing Options on Mars Venus E-Workshops

December 7th, 2010

Now, for the first time ever, you can benefit from taking one of the famous Mars Venus classes from the comfort of your own computer. For years, Mars Venus workshops have helped people from all over the world improve relationships at any stage of their life with the opposite sex, as well as with their children, family members and co-workers. Our online eWorkshops provide simple, practical tools and insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages and ages.

These live webinars are based on the same impactful workshops that John and his personally-trained coaches have given throughout the world, and which have positively changed hundreds of thousands of lives. Now you get everything you would get at one of our live, in-person events: certified Mars Venus Coach -presenter, John Gray audio segments, PowerPoint slides, workbook, exercises and certificate of completion, from the convenience of your own computer.

If you are not quite ready to participate in one of our eWorkshops right now, then we urge you to sign-up to receive free information, insights and tips on any, or all, of our Mars Venus Coaching eCourse subjects.


Coach Spotlight – Rosa Botran of Guatemala

November 17th, 2010

Rosa & John

Rosa recently attended the Mars Venus Coach Induction Training here in Las Vegas as a trainer. She was certified at that training as an official Mars Venus Coaching Trainer. Congratulations Rosa! Below is her Bio in Spanish and English.

Rosa María Botrán ha sido el tipo de persona que siempre ha buscado la manera de ayudar a otras personas. Una experiencia en su vida le enseñó una gran lección: Atento, no se sabe en qué momento vas a tocar la vida de alguien más. Esto la lleva a aprender nuevas formas y técnicas para asistir a otras personas a crear una mejor vida. Ella ha participado en varios seminarios de desarrollo personal, lo que la ha ayudado, no sólo a mejorar su propia vida, sino la de otros.

La curiosidad innata que Rosa posee, así como su profundo deseo de ayudar a otros la llevó a convertirse en entrenadora certificada de Programación Neuro Lingüística. Con esto, ella ha trabajado exitosamente con varios deportistas a que logren hacer cambios que han mejorado su desempeño en su juego y por lo tanto, sus resultados. También ha entrenado maestros en estas técnicas para que puedan asistir a sus alumnos a que aprendan de una mejor manera.

Con una licenciatura en mercadeo y dos maestrías, y más de 20 años de carrera exitosa en el sector corporativo, Rosa sintió la necesidad de ir por su sueño más grande: ayudar a otros a llevar una mejor vida. Convertirse en una Coach de Mars Venus le ha dado las herramientas y técnicas que le permiten asistir a sus clientes a alcanzas sus objetivos.

Adicional al Coaching, Rosa también es facilitadora de seminarios y talleres enfocados en mejorar relaciones, tanto personales, como en el lugar de trabajo.

Rosa María Botrán is the type of person that has always looked for ways to help other people. One experience in particular taught her a great lesson: Be aware – you never know whose life you are going to touch.

This had prompted her to acquire new programs and learn new techniques to assist other people in creating a better life. She has attended many personal development seminars, which have helped her improve her own life as well as those of others in a very positive way.

Rosa´s natural curiosity and drive to help people led her to become an NLP trainer. She utilized this to successfully coach sports people to make changes within themselves in order to improve their ‘game’ performance, and she’s trained teachers to assist their students in learning new methods to better learning skills.

With a degree in Marketing, two MBAs, and after more than 20 years of working successfully in the corporate world, Rosa felt the need to pursue her real passion – that of helping people lead better lives.

Becoming a Mars Venus Coach has given her the additional tools and skills to help others create the life they dream of and deserve by utilizing the latest coaching techniques to assist her clients in achieving their goals.

Aside from direct coaching, Rosa facilitates workshops and seminars to improve relationships, both personally and within the work place.

October 28th, 2010

Do you feel constantly stressed out and on edge?
Or are you tired of your partner having a short fuse with you?
Is stress negatively affecting your relationships?  Are you constantly arguing?
Are you feeling tired and fatigued all the time?
Are you having difficulty falling and staying asleep?
Is stress making you sick or causing you to gain weight?
Are you having trouble concentrating?
Are you moody and irritable much of time?

Our bodies were never designed to be under the amount of constant stress we find ourselves experiencing in today’s world.  Now imagine for a moment, if you knew why men and women reacted so negatively under stress and how to practice “safe stress”.  What it would be like if you and your partner understood how to better cope with stress yourselves, and how to help the other cope with stress more effectively as well.  What would it look like?  How would it feel to have a warm, loving and supportive relationship once again?  To not be anxious all the time or to feel like you are walking on eggshells?  How would it feel to be in a relationship in which you truly felt supported, understood and nurtured?  This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination.  It can be your reality.  You can have a less stressful life and a more satisfying relationship if you are willing to learn what it takes.

For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our “Why Mars & Venus Collide…How Men and Women Cope With Stress Differently” eWorkshop is available online.  In the past 8 months we’ve been bombarded with stories of doom and gloom relating to the economy.  One of the effects of this is the increasing amount of stress these financial worries are placing on our relationships.  In fact, financial stress is currently recognized as being one of the biggest problems in modern-day relationships; in part, because we don’t understand how men and women cope with stress differently.  And because we don’t understand the differences, we tend to misinterpret them.  And this often leads to misunderstandings and no-so-pleasant arguments.

Based on Dr. John Gray’s newest book, “Why Mars & Venus Collide”, this online eWorkshop is a fun, entertaining, and informative look at stress, including:

  • • The negative effects of adrenaline and cortisol.
  • • Why men and women respond to stress differently.
  • • Practical ideas that can help men and women reduce stress for each other and themselves.
  • • The role of the hormones testosterone and oxytocin in reducing stress.

This is a great workshop for individuals or couples alike.
The 5-session eWorkshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises.  You’ll receive strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to reduce the stress in your life, and to help your partner do the same.  You’ll even receive a certificate of completion.

Click the banner above for more information.

Mars Venus Coaching E-Workshop; “On a Date”

October 26th, 2010

Does the mere idea of dating make you nervous?
Do you find it difficult to confidently approach the opposite sex?
Is flirting a foreign language for you?
Has it been months (even years) since you went out on a date?
Or has it been months (even years) since you were dating someone special?

Imagine for a moment, that getting a date was easy. What would it look like? How would it feel to be excited about having a date on Saturday night? To be dating someone you were truly excited about, someone that made your pulse race and your palms sweat. This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. Dating someone special is within your grasp. That is, if you are willing to learn what it takes to date successfully.

For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our Mars Venus – “On a Date” eWorkshop is available online. The new challenge of dating is to find a partner who will not only be supportive of our physical needs for survival and security, but will also support our emotional, mental, and spiritual needs as well. It is no longer enough to just find someone who is willing to marry us – we want partners who will love us more as they get to know us. We want to live happily ever after. In order to find and recognize partners who can fill our new needs for increased intimacy, good communication, and a great love life – we need to update our dating skills.

The Mars Venus “On a Date” is a 5-week online eWorkshop designed for singles and dating couples who are interested in finding true and lasting love. Married couples who want to rekindle the romance of dating will also benefit greatly from this practical guide. By reviewing the elements of a great date and putting them into practice, you can once again experience the passion and romance experienced at the beginning of the relationship. The 5-session eWorkshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to succeed at dating. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion. You’ll learn:

  • • How to successfully navigate through the five stages of dating
  • • How to attract the right person for you
  • • How to make sure you don’t unwittingly turn off the opposite sex
  • • How to make sure your partner stays interested
  • • Warning signals to avoid getting involved with the wrong person
  • • How to bring out the best in your partner
  • • When and how to create the four levels of intimacy – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
  • • How to make up, so you don’t break up
  • • The different reasons men and women decide to get married
  • • How to prepare for a marriage made in heaven

5 weekly sessions for only $298 (that’s just $59.60 per session). Each weekly session lasts approximately one hour.

visit for more information

Secrets of Successful Relationships E-Workshop

October 19th, 2010

Is communication a serious problem in your relationship?
Is your relationship a source of stress, frustration and conflict?
Do you want to be more emotionally and physically connected?
Are you feeling increasingly hurt, distant and isolated?
Are anger and resentment wearing away at your bonds?

Now imagine for a moment, what it would be like if you and your partner were closer, more intimate, more loving. What would it look like? How would it feel to have a warm, loving and supportive relationship once again? To be in a relationship in which you feel heard, respected and nurtured. This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. You can have a deeper, more satisfying relationship if you are willing to learn what it takes.

For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our Mars Venus – “The Secrets of Successful Relationships” Workshop is available online! It is an intensive, 5-week session, online eWorkshop, based on the relationship strategies contained in Dr. John Gray’s book, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”. This challenging and exciting workshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive powerful strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to create great relationships. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion. The workshop will provide you with practical ideas and proven relationship strategies that can be immediately applied to your own situation. You’ll participate in practical exercises designed to help you create lasting and loving relationships. You’ll learn:

  • • How to communicate with the opposite sex
  • • How to increase self esteem and confidence
  • • How to ‘score points’ with the opposite sex
  • • How to balance your work and personal life
  • • How to increase your personal and professional growth
  • • How to let go of the anger, sadness, fear, and/or guilt that keeps you from attracting and creating empowering relationships
  • • How to make sense out of confusing emotions that inhibit true intimacy
5 weekly sessions for only $298 (that’s just $59.60 per session). Each weekly session lasts approximately one hour.

Click on the Banner above for more information!

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus… Referrals are from YOU!

October 11th, 2010

Put some extra cash in your pocket while spreading the word about Mars Venus Coaching’s NEW eWorkshops! It’s our way of saying thank you for your kind referrals.  As an expert in the field of communication, John Gray’s focus is to help men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships.  By spreading the word about Mars Venus Coaching’s eWorkshops, you can help to share John Gray’s powerful message with the world – and get PAID to do it!  Do you have friends, family, or coworkers that could benefit from eWorkshops on relationships, dating, starting over, raising children, dealing with stress, or help coping with issues at work?  We all do! These eWorkshops provide simple, practical tools and insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages and ages by creating the brain and body chemistry of health, happiness and lasting romance.  In fact, these are the same life-changing, workshops that John Gray and his team of Mars Venus Success coaches have given in-person throughout the world.  And now people can benefit from these workshops in the comfort of their own home.

Make a difference in the life of someone you know (or even someone you don’t know) and let us reward you for your efforts!

  • The Mars Venus Affiliate Program pays you 25% of each eWorkshop purchase you refer to us!
  • And when you sign up another affiliate, you’ll earn an additional 10% on each of their referral sales
  • The best part…it’s COMPLETELY FREE to sign up!

Fill out the form to become an affiliate today…it’s FAST and it’s  FREE!