Posts Tagged ‘John Gray’

A Word about Coaching

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Because life coaching and business coaching are relatively new professions, and many people haven’t had any direct experience working with a coach, the question of “how does coaching work?” is something we frequently hear.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that coaching is about giving advice.

Coaching – whether you work with a life coach or a business coach – asserts that all of the answers we seek are inside of ourselves. A good coach will not tell you what to do. The reason to work with a coach is to empower yourself to listen to your own inner voice, and to investigate the full spectrum of possible solutions to the barriers holding you or your business back. Seeking outside help can help you gain the clarity and focus necessary to succeed.
Life and business coaching are about permanent and fundamental shifts in your view of yourself and your business.  Coaching is about helping an individual or organization see a way to achieve a goal, remove a roadblock to achieving a goal, or a combination of the two.

According to Einstein, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” A coach can help you shift your thinking into that new perspective.  A coach’s tools are great, probing, enlightening questions.  And a great coach has enough experience to ask the right, questions at the right time to help you make that shift quickly.

The International Coach Federation defines corporate or executive coaching as “a process for equipping individuals and teams with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to be creatively productive and effective in their commitment to themselves, their organizations, and their work.” We proudly support this definition.

Avoiding a Deadbeat Sales Attitude by Paul Montelongo

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

It never ceases to amaze me that there are professional sales people that are about as enthusiastic as a sedated mortician is.
Having a deadbeat attitude in the presence of your prospects and your clients is a poison that will kill your sales.
You know this. Most salespeople know this. Yet, they continue to have an apathetic attitude. And they wonder why their sales suffer.

Emotional buying reasons.

Enthusiasm is highly contagious. People buy products and services for one reason only. That reason is that it initiates some sort of feeling, some sort of emotion. Here is a brief list of the feelings or emotional reasons that your prospect will buy from you.

1. They sense a degree of variety or excitement in your product or service. Why else would someone lay down their cash for a skydiving adventure?

2. There can be a feeling of security or assuredness that your product will give them. For example, alarm systems, guarded communities, extended warranty plans and life insurance may fall into this category.

3. Perhaps they get a feeling of possibility or opportunity. The opportunity can be something that translates into more revenue for them or more freedom. Take a look at the stock market and you’ll grasp this point.

4.Your prospect can even buy based on fear. It could be fear of the loss of a good deal. Fear that they will miss an opportunity to save money or fear that their buying choices will not look good to their peers and friends.

5. Your prospect will also buy from you based on their feelings of perceived convenience. For example, when someone buys a new home, a primary consideration is the location of the neighborhood. Is it close to schools, work, church, shopping, gymnasium, relatives and friends? If the answer is yes, their level of convenience is very high.

It is all a perception.

There are many other emotional reasons that people will buy your product and service. The key point is that it is all a perception and your level of enthusiasm about your product and service is a dominant factor in their decision to buy from you.

Once you have tapped into their real reasons for buying by asking a series of quality questions, it all boils down to your enthusiastic attitude about your product. After all, if you are not genuinely enthusiastic about your offering, how can you expect your prospect to get excited?

If it is true that you buy based on your feelings, then why doesn’t every salesperson in the world try to stimulate feelings of happiness and security in the mind of their prospect?
Negative thoughts and emotions will kill your sales. Here are five ways to avoid a deadbeat sales attitude. By the way, if you already are Mr. or Ms. Positive Attitude, you will really enjoy this refresher course and you can testify that these steps really work.

1. Harness the power of your body: Every move that you make with your body sends a direct signal to your brain. That signal tells your brain that you are happy, sad, indifferent, puzzled, inquisitive, certain, stressed, positive, joyous or a zillion other emotions. The happiest, most positive minded people in the world show it all day long with the power of their body. A smile, a grin, a deep breath, elevating your eyes, upright posture and walking with the gate of a prize stallion will help you to increase your sales. As you interact with your prospect, move with confidence and poise. Have a warm, friendly smile. Be pleasant and add a little humor to your presentation. You don’t have to be a Jim Cary jokester, but humor is contagious and laughter creates more oxygen flow to the brain.

2. Check your inner conversation. I read recently that the average human has 40,000 thoughts every day. When I read this statistic, I immediately thought, “Who counted? I can’t imagine how researchers arrived at this statistic. What if it is only half true? Or what if the real number is double? Regardless of the accuracy of this estimate, imagine the implications of this revelation. What are you doing with the tens of thousands of thoughts you have every day? Arrange your thoughts to think of the opportunities that lay in front of you with every prospect. Continuously think of the ways that you can serve your customer rather than what is in it for you. And focus on the long-term benefits of connecting with your prospects in a deep meaningful way.

3. Prepare, prepare, and prepare. Did I mention that you should prepare? Preparation reduces fear. When fear is reduced or eliminated, your thoughts and actions are not hampered or restricted. You can act naturally and comfortably with your customers. You will not be unduly concerned about what you are going to say or do next because you are prepared. You will know your product, the benefits of your product and you will have answers for common objections and questions that your prospect may have. There is no such thing as a lucky sale. A sale happens when preparation meets opportunity.

4. Concentration of focus. You ability to focus on the positive outcomes of your sales presentation will determine your level of sales success. In other words, are you concentrating on what you do want to happen rather than what you do not want to happen? Focus on your sales objectives and goals rather than external influences over which you have no control, like a loose economy or market timidity. The thing you focus on will expand to become your reality.

5. Be authentic. All of the sales strategies in the world will not help you one bit if you are not a genuinely authentic caring person. Your customer knows when you are faking it. Your customer knows who really cares about them and their needs. Your customer knows when they need to wear their boots, because the buffalo fertilizer is getting thick. Be your unique self and your customer will gravitate to you and trust you. The biggest benefit in being authentic is that you will be living your life with self-confidence, high values and integrity. Folks, it doesn’t get any better than that.

Avoiding a deadbeat attitude will help you sell more, earn more and achieve more. Your level of career satisfaction will skyrocket. Happy selling to you!

The Mars Venus Coaching Licensing Opportunity

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

The Mars Venus Franchise Opportunity
Master Franchise and Coach Franchise opportunities are currently available in select international markets. Master Franchisees are responsible for expanding the Mars Venus system in a designated territory or region through a network of Coaching Franchises within their respective territories.

Coach Franchisees are responsible for offering the Mars Venus Coaching system through the direct coaching of life and/or executive coaching clients. Coach Franchisees also market a range of exclusive Mars Venus products, as well as one-on-one or group coaching, workshops, and seminars to their coaching clients and/or the general public.

The Mars Venus Franchise System

The Mars Venus Franchise system has been created, developed, and refined over many years, and it is the result of the combined efforts of a number of the world’s leading business, marketing, and franchise industry experts. Clearly the Mars Venus system has been designed to not only capitalize on its megabrand status, but to also capitalize on an unparalleled franchise system and support structure.

The Mars Venus system has introduced a structure designed to support Master and Coach Franchisees through a number of key areas including:

  • An extensive support network in major world markets.
  • Marketing funds and programs to ensure availability of marketing resources at all levels.
  • Marketing, public relations, and constant promotion of the Mars Venus brand across the globe, additionally supported and reinforced by the introduction and/or expansion of a varied range of Mars Venus products and services internationally.

The Mars Venus Franchise system offers Master and Coach Franchisees unparalleled profit potential, as the Mars Venus system is not only viable, but also critical to both the corporate and lifestyle markets. Additionally, revenue potential can be realized through the offering of Mars Venus merchandise and products.

Mars Venus Franchisees will benefit from:

  • Unrivaled support in the first year, including an intensive Induction Training of 7-10 days, followed by a 12-week Quickstart program immediately thereafter; a continuing Coach’s Coach assignment; conferences; and regional or territorial training meetings.
  • Ongoing training and support that is second to none.
  • $50 million already spent building the brand.
  • 98% brand recognition across the globe.
  • A feel-good brand that is like no other.
  • Media attention and interest.
  • Involvement with one of the world’s fastest-growing industries.
  • Low overheads with diverse profit potential.

For over 30 years the Mars Venus brand has enjoyed phenomenal growth and success, and it now offers franchising internationally with an unmatched opportunity to capitalize on this megabrand.

April/May Applause to Our Mars Venus Coaches

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010




Coaching Statistics – Mars Venus Coaching

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Have you seen the statistics below? The numbers may be alarming to you! Could you use 25.7% more income? Is your personal and professional life where it should be or even more could be? Go to our website and request your free coaching session today! Take control today and make your desires a reality, a Mars Venus Success Coach can help you do just that.

Coaching Statistics

John Gray, PhD. Wellness Retreat

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

John big picHormonal Balance -The Key to Life, Love and  Energy

Spend personal time with John Gray, Ph. D. in this special 4 day event. Learn new and effective communication techniques and insights for enriching all your relationships, while also exploring how you can create a lifetime of health, happiness and lasting passion through balancing hormones. John has spent over 40 years developing the ultimate transformation experience. Not only does it include his innovative and unique approach for opening both the mind and heart, but also reveals a new practical philosophy in all aspects of your life; health, wealth, love and happiness.

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John Gray’s New Book; Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice

Monday, May 24th, 2010

image.phpIn Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, John Gray, the bestselling relationship author in history, unveils his illuminating new television special based on his upcoming 17th book, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance – the Key to Life, Love & Energy. A presentation of WLIW21 in association with

“I spent the last 15 years teaching couples how to make small shifts in their behavior that would stimulate an abundance of the hormones of desire and love with the consequence of a healthier, happier life at any age,” said Gray. “What I discovered is the key for turning Venus-Mars relationships into the fountain of youth.”

In his Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice TV special, Gray acts out humorous relationship situations everybody can identify with. He demonstrates how the often frustrating differences between men and women can actually be used to stimulate healthy hormones that help control cortisol and stress levels, stabilize blood sugar, manage body weight and inspire desire. He introduces natural “super-oxytocin producers” – super-foods, super-exercise and super-sleep that boost love and romance while supporting physical well-being.

Mars Venus Success Coaching Welcomes 3 New Coaches From Egypt

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Mars Venus Success Coaching is proud to welcome three new coaches to our team; Noha, Ihab and Yasser all from Cairo.  All three are set to attend our July Coach Induction Training to take place in Las Vegas on July 6 – 12, 2010. For more information on our training classes click here.