Posts Tagged ‘Mars Venus’

A Happier You

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
By Eckhart Tolle   |   From the January 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine
The greatest goal you can set this year is to make peace with your life, no matter your circumstances. These 10 powerful insights from Eckhart Tolle will get you started.

Oneness with All Life by Eckhart Tolle

  1. Don’t seek happiness. If you seek it, you won’t find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ever elusive, but freedom from unhappiness is attainable now, by facing what is rather than making up stories about it.
  2. The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. There is the situation or the fact, and here are my thoughts about it. Instead of making up stories, stay with the facts. For example, “I am ruined” is a story. It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action. “I have 50 cents left in my bank account” is a fact. Facing facts is always empowering.
  3. See if you can catch the voice in your head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the ego, no more than a thought. Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is aware of it. In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of the voice. In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind.
  4. Wherever you look, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence for the reality of time—a rotting apple, your face in the bathroom mirror compared with your face in a photo taken 30 years ago—yet you never find any direct evidence, you never experience time itself. You only ever experience the present moment.
  5. Why do anxiety, stress, or negativity arise? Because you turned away from the present moment. And why did you do that? You thought something else was more important. One small error, one misperception, creates a world of suffering.
  6. People believe themselves to be dependent on what happens for their happiness. They don’t realize that what happens is the most unstable thing in the universe. It changes constantly. They look upon the present moment as either marred by something that has happened and shouldn’t have or as deficient because of something that has not happened but should have. And so they miss the deeper perfection that is inherent in life itself, a perfection that lies beyond what is happening or not happening. Accept the present moment and find the perfection that is untouched by time.
  7. The more shared past there is in a relationship, the more present you need to be; otherwise, you will be forced to relive the past again and again.
  8. Equating the physical body with “I,” the body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die, always leads to suffering. To refrain from identifying with the body doesn’t mean that you no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can appreciate those attributes—while they last. You can also improve the body’s condition through nutrition and exercise. If you don’t equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes, or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the light of consciousness can shine more easily.
  9. You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you and allowing that goodness to emerge.
  10. If peace is really what you want, then you will choose peace.

Exerpted from Oneness with All Life by Eckhart Tolle. Published by arrangement with Dutton, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc. Copywright © 2008 by Eckhart Tolle

Working Your Relationships at Work

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Back in 1992 Dr. Gray provided an easy way to understand how men and women communicated differently. Back then if we wanted better relationships, we were encouraged to learn the other’s dialect so we could speak the same language. Now, in 2011, we understand the research behind why we communicate differently. The message is now more urgent than ever. Not only are women not climbing the corporate ladder, but our actions of forcing women to assimilate into a man’s communication pattern cause irreversible damage to women’s bodies, and the families we are currently growing. It is imperative for a cultural shift to occur in the corporate world from the unexamined assumption and unrealistic expectation men and women should be treated the same. Dr. John Gray’s latest books explain the reasoning and research behind why men and women communicate differently based on our physiology, specifically the ways our bodies respond differently to stress, and solutions to keep our stress levels low.

Did you know when women are at work they produce testosterone just like men? Testosterone does not reduce women’s stress levels; women need oxytocin to do this. Men reduce their stress by producing testosterone. However, to reduce stress it takes longer for men to produce more testosterone in greater quantities than the oxytocin hormone women need to reduce stress. Men don’t have enough time to replenish their testosterone, and excess testosterone in women’s bodies and their penchant to care for everyone else before themselves first prevents women from producing the requisite oxytocin to banish low grade stress/cortisol in the body.

The easiest way for men to increase testosterone is relax their muscles by sitting down. Also, when men disengage and either “do nothing” or shift gears to another task they are producing testosterone. Asking a man to do something during this time when the stress-producing hormone, cortisol, is pumping through his veins increases his stress hormone cortisol, thus stopping testosterone production. After a stressful situation at work men must be left alone, rather than talk it out. Typically, men will resurface and reappear when they have done nothing or temporarily shifted gears (remember this replenishes their stress-reducing hormone testosterone). It is then they are able to talk and put forth a solution to the problem.

For women, when under stress, they reduce stress by talking it out, connecting, and releasing their emotions. This is counter-intuitive if they are dealing with a male co-worker. Likewise, if women are allowed to verbally work through the stressor sifting all the factors, oxytocin kicks in, cortisol exits her body, and she keeps going. This often makes men uncomfortable, because men tend to solve problems if a dilemma is aired. Women under stress do not need or want solutions. Women’s limbic system activates under stress making them more emotional. At work this is seen as unprofessional, but this is the way women are wired. And, their unique serotonin brain patterns under stress allows them at the same time to be more capable of problem-solving by multi-tasking and linking all facets of the problem to everyone involved in the decision-making process.

Previously, women lived in organic and connected communities engaged in rearing both their own and their neighbor’s children. The constant state of nurturing, and connecting through talking, incorporating one another in decision making, and helping one another out with similar tasks gave a constant flood of oxytocin. Not so today.

Today’s world is now so fast-paced, and full of daily low-grade stressors, both men and women have excess cortisol (fight or flight hormone) constantly in their bodies. When there is a constant flood of cortisol the body is unable to manufacture enough of the stress reducing hormones. Both disease and infertility are on the rise due to both genders at the end of the day being unable to re-generate enough stress reducing hormones to live a long, well-balanced life. All of these issues go back to one thing only, and that is how the current expectations of male-oriented patterns impact the quality of relationships both at work and at home. It should not be a question of women assimilating into a “man’s” world. It should be a question of how we can alter the culture in the corporate arena to best embrace the unique styles of gender communications to have the most productive and efficient company.

If men and women paid attention to the unique way they reduce their own stress, and respected the opposite sexes preferred method to reduce stress many problems would be solved.

Unfortunately, while women are constantly producing testosterone while at work, when they get ready to come home after a hard day they are unable to produce their stress reducing hormone, oxytocin, because of the excess testosterone and high levels of cortisol. When women are rushed, or when expectations are attached for her to nurture or give (instead of doing so freely) oxytocin is inhibited. When women get home, their stress levels continue to rise limiting oxytocin production. So while men are able to begin rejuvenating their stress reducing hormone (testosterone) when they stop work for the day, women are unable based on their physiology to increase their stress-reducing hormone (oxytocin). This is a problem we must fix. We need to let men rest, and let women nurture and be nurtured while at work and at home.

Lyndsay Katauskas, MEd
Mars Venus Coaching
Corporate Media Relations

Mars Venus Coaching E-Workshop; “On a Date”

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Does the mere idea of dating make you nervous?
Do you find it difficult to confidently approach the opposite sex?
Is flirting a foreign language for you?
Has it been months (even years) since you went out on a date?
Or has it been months (even years) since you were dating someone special?

Imagine for a moment, that getting a date was easy. What would it look like? How would it feel to be excited about having a date on Saturday night? To be dating someone you were truly excited about, someone that made your pulse race and your palms sweat. This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. Dating someone special is within your grasp. That is, if you are willing to learn what it takes to date successfully.

For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our Mars Venus – “On a Date” eWorkshop is available online. The new challenge of dating is to find a partner who will not only be supportive of our physical needs for survival and security, but will also support our emotional, mental, and spiritual needs as well. It is no longer enough to just find someone who is willing to marry us – we want partners who will love us more as they get to know us. We want to live happily ever after. In order to find and recognize partners who can fill our new needs for increased intimacy, good communication, and a great love life – we need to update our dating skills.

The Mars Venus “On a Date” is a 5-week online eWorkshop designed for singles and dating couples who are interested in finding true and lasting love. Married couples who want to rekindle the romance of dating will also benefit greatly from this practical guide. By reviewing the elements of a great date and putting them into practice, you can once again experience the passion and romance experienced at the beginning of the relationship. The 5-session eWorkshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to succeed at dating. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion. You’ll learn:

  • • How to successfully navigate through the five stages of dating
  • • How to attract the right person for you
  • • How to make sure you don’t unwittingly turn off the opposite sex
  • • How to make sure your partner stays interested
  • • Warning signals to avoid getting involved with the wrong person
  • • How to bring out the best in your partner
  • • When and how to create the four levels of intimacy – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
  • • How to make up, so you don’t break up
  • • The different reasons men and women decide to get married
  • • How to prepare for a marriage made in heaven

5 weekly sessions for only $298 (that’s just $59.60 per session). Each weekly session lasts approximately one hour.

visit for more information

Secrets of Successful Relationships E-Workshop

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Is communication a serious problem in your relationship?
Is your relationship a source of stress, frustration and conflict?
Do you want to be more emotionally and physically connected?
Are you feeling increasingly hurt, distant and isolated?
Are anger and resentment wearing away at your bonds?

Now imagine for a moment, what it would be like if you and your partner were closer, more intimate, more loving. What would it look like? How would it feel to have a warm, loving and supportive relationship once again? To be in a relationship in which you feel heard, respected and nurtured. This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. You can have a deeper, more satisfying relationship if you are willing to learn what it takes.

For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our Mars Venus – “The Secrets of Successful Relationships” Workshop is available online! It is an intensive, 5-week session, online eWorkshop, based on the relationship strategies contained in Dr. John Gray’s book, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”. This challenging and exciting workshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive powerful strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to create great relationships. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion. The workshop will provide you with practical ideas and proven relationship strategies that can be immediately applied to your own situation. You’ll participate in practical exercises designed to help you create lasting and loving relationships. You’ll learn:

  • • How to communicate with the opposite sex
  • • How to increase self esteem and confidence
  • • How to ‘score points’ with the opposite sex
  • • How to balance your work and personal life
  • • How to increase your personal and professional growth
  • • How to let go of the anger, sadness, fear, and/or guilt that keeps you from attracting and creating empowering relationships
  • • How to make sense out of confusing emotions that inhibit true intimacy
5 weekly sessions for only $298 (that’s just $59.60 per session). Each weekly session lasts approximately one hour.

Click on the Banner above for more information!

Mars Venus Coaching Launches New E-Workshops!

Friday, October 8th, 2010

We are very excited to share with you a link to our brand new E-Workshops! These are the very Mars Venus Workshops that Dr. John Gray has been delivering globally for the last 25 years. For the first time ever we are now offering these highly effective Mars Venus Workshops online. Now you can experience and learn the Mars Venus Concepts taught by Dr. John Gray in the comfort of your own home.

The site provides an area for you to sign up for more information about the Workshops, in which you will receive an email every five days with tips that relate to the Workshops. It also offers a look at our affiliate program, in which you can sell these E-Workshops and receive a 25% commission.

The Mars Venus Coaching Workshops that are currently offered are listed below:

  • Secrets of Successful Relationships
  • Children are from Heaven
  • Mars Venus on a Date
  • Starting Over
  • How Men & Women Cope with Stress Differently
  • Mars Venus in the Workplace

Mars Venus Success Coaching E-Workshops

Mars Venus Coaching July 2010 Training Class Graduates

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

July 2010 Training Group PictureMars Venus Coaching July 2010 Life, Executive and Business Coach Training Graduates

Congratulations to our most recent graduates; (L-R, Front Row) Wim Vrolijk and Karlijn Vrolijk – Netherlands, Toni Culph – Australia, Yvonne Allen – Australia, Nicole Brandon – California, (L-R, Back Row) Darrin Clarke – Utah, Kal Sharaf – Jordan, Yasser Shaker – Egypt, Eric Cole – Canada.

Mars Venus Coach Nadia Ansari

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Please take a look at our Mars Venus Coach in the United Kingdom; Nadia Ansari


Hello, and welcome, glad you decided to stop by…

Whether you’re familiar with coaching or it’s a completely new concept to you, I’m pretty confident you will have heard of the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

I first came across it in the form of Mars and Venus on a Date, when I started dating a particularly wonderful, but equally alien ‘Martian’ male… I’d often find myself pulling out my hair and despairing at the differences between us, at times thinking the relationship must surely be doomed! This was until a dear friend lent me her copy of the book… that was almost two years ago and I’m pleased to say that nowadays the relationship is a much happier and calmer, ever-growing and blossoming one.

So that’s where my enthusiasm for the Mars Venus work came from – because I experienced first-hand how much it worked. I’ve always been fascinated by human interactions despite being originally trained as a Business Analyst after following what others recommended as a ‘sensible degree’ in Information Systems Analysis. Even though I gained a First Class Honours in this, after some time trying to do the sensible thing, I still felt drawn more drawn to humans over computers.

Thus, as you might imagine, when the opportunity arose for me to be the first person in the UK to be trained by Dr. John Gray, said author of the now world renowned Mars & Venus name, I was pretty excited. I am proud to be the first Mars Venus coach in the UK and part of the international and ever-growing Mars Venus team – in fact I’m so committed to the idea of coaching that I have a coach too.

The reason for this is I believe continued education is essential for personal growth, and as such we could all use a coach to help us achieve our best – it is after all the reason that so many musicians and athletes already use coaches… not because they are at the bottom of the well and not sure how to get out, but because they want to continuously improve in order to achieve their best. It is personal development and learning that leads us to the wonderful feelings of empowerment and a ‘can do’ attitude. This renewed sense of understanding and achievement can have a fantastic impact on your personal and business life; as one naturally compounds the other.

OK, so that’s all very nice, but where does my drive to help you set your goals and achieve them come from? Well, just over three years ago I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that not only was making me very unwell, but also, as I was repeatedly informed, was ‘barely treatable and certainly incurable’. I went through a period of time feeling very sorry for myself and thinking ‘why me’ – but eventually found that far too depressing not to mention limiting – and so sought out other ways to resolve it. And I did.

Which is really what coaching is about: recognizing you’re in a situation that you’d like to change, then looking at all the various options that could enable you to make that change – then possibly trying a few that don’t work before finding one that does – following it through… and bingo, before you know it, you’re there.

It’s for that reason I’m passionate in helping people actualise and realise their full potential, both at home and at work. To help you to achieve these results, I hold seminars and one-to-one coaching sessions based on the Mars Venus Coaching principles. The focus is primarily on your personal and/or business goals; as well as helping men and women understand, respect, and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. Whether you have a general feeling that you’re not completely satisfied with life, love, work or play – or you have a very specific idea of exactly what is lacking in your life but are not quite sure how to change it, I can help you figure it out and get the changes rolling in.
So review my introduction from Dr. Gray at the top of the page, take a look at the feedback from a client below… and think about it – why not coaching? Then contact me through the email or telephone numbers listed…. and I’ll look forward to working with you in achieving your goals!

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. – Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

Client Testimonial:

“I found Nadia’s life coaching extremely useful. Nadia’s methods are far more proactive and specific than business mentoring I have had in the past. Nadia understands her clients’ businesses and relationships. She provides expertise in a way that is easy to understand and put into action. She is professional and approachable, and I would highly recommend her for mentoring and seminars. Working environments can only benefit from seeking her advice.”
M. Davies
One-to-one client

Avoiding a Deadbeat Sales Attitude by Paul Montelongo

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

It never ceases to amaze me that there are professional sales people that are about as enthusiastic as a sedated mortician is.
Having a deadbeat attitude in the presence of your prospects and your clients is a poison that will kill your sales.
You know this. Most salespeople know this. Yet, they continue to have an apathetic attitude. And they wonder why their sales suffer.

Emotional buying reasons.

Enthusiasm is highly contagious. People buy products and services for one reason only. That reason is that it initiates some sort of feeling, some sort of emotion. Here is a brief list of the feelings or emotional reasons that your prospect will buy from you.

1. They sense a degree of variety or excitement in your product or service. Why else would someone lay down their cash for a skydiving adventure?

2. There can be a feeling of security or assuredness that your product will give them. For example, alarm systems, guarded communities, extended warranty plans and life insurance may fall into this category.

3. Perhaps they get a feeling of possibility or opportunity. The opportunity can be something that translates into more revenue for them or more freedom. Take a look at the stock market and you’ll grasp this point.

4.Your prospect can even buy based on fear. It could be fear of the loss of a good deal. Fear that they will miss an opportunity to save money or fear that their buying choices will not look good to their peers and friends.

5. Your prospect will also buy from you based on their feelings of perceived convenience. For example, when someone buys a new home, a primary consideration is the location of the neighborhood. Is it close to schools, work, church, shopping, gymnasium, relatives and friends? If the answer is yes, their level of convenience is very high.

It is all a perception.

There are many other emotional reasons that people will buy your product and service. The key point is that it is all a perception and your level of enthusiasm about your product and service is a dominant factor in their decision to buy from you.

Once you have tapped into their real reasons for buying by asking a series of quality questions, it all boils down to your enthusiastic attitude about your product. After all, if you are not genuinely enthusiastic about your offering, how can you expect your prospect to get excited?

If it is true that you buy based on your feelings, then why doesn’t every salesperson in the world try to stimulate feelings of happiness and security in the mind of their prospect?
Negative thoughts and emotions will kill your sales. Here are five ways to avoid a deadbeat sales attitude. By the way, if you already are Mr. or Ms. Positive Attitude, you will really enjoy this refresher course and you can testify that these steps really work.

1. Harness the power of your body: Every move that you make with your body sends a direct signal to your brain. That signal tells your brain that you are happy, sad, indifferent, puzzled, inquisitive, certain, stressed, positive, joyous or a zillion other emotions. The happiest, most positive minded people in the world show it all day long with the power of their body. A smile, a grin, a deep breath, elevating your eyes, upright posture and walking with the gate of a prize stallion will help you to increase your sales. As you interact with your prospect, move with confidence and poise. Have a warm, friendly smile. Be pleasant and add a little humor to your presentation. You don’t have to be a Jim Cary jokester, but humor is contagious and laughter creates more oxygen flow to the brain.

2. Check your inner conversation. I read recently that the average human has 40,000 thoughts every day. When I read this statistic, I immediately thought, “Who counted? I can’t imagine how researchers arrived at this statistic. What if it is only half true? Or what if the real number is double? Regardless of the accuracy of this estimate, imagine the implications of this revelation. What are you doing with the tens of thousands of thoughts you have every day? Arrange your thoughts to think of the opportunities that lay in front of you with every prospect. Continuously think of the ways that you can serve your customer rather than what is in it for you. And focus on the long-term benefits of connecting with your prospects in a deep meaningful way.

3. Prepare, prepare, and prepare. Did I mention that you should prepare? Preparation reduces fear. When fear is reduced or eliminated, your thoughts and actions are not hampered or restricted. You can act naturally and comfortably with your customers. You will not be unduly concerned about what you are going to say or do next because you are prepared. You will know your product, the benefits of your product and you will have answers for common objections and questions that your prospect may have. There is no such thing as a lucky sale. A sale happens when preparation meets opportunity.

4. Concentration of focus. You ability to focus on the positive outcomes of your sales presentation will determine your level of sales success. In other words, are you concentrating on what you do want to happen rather than what you do not want to happen? Focus on your sales objectives and goals rather than external influences over which you have no control, like a loose economy or market timidity. The thing you focus on will expand to become your reality.

5. Be authentic. All of the sales strategies in the world will not help you one bit if you are not a genuinely authentic caring person. Your customer knows when you are faking it. Your customer knows who really cares about them and their needs. Your customer knows when they need to wear their boots, because the buffalo fertilizer is getting thick. Be your unique self and your customer will gravitate to you and trust you. The biggest benefit in being authentic is that you will be living your life with self-confidence, high values and integrity. Folks, it doesn’t get any better than that.

Avoiding a deadbeat attitude will help you sell more, earn more and achieve more. Your level of career satisfaction will skyrocket. Happy selling to you!

The Mars Venus Coaching Licensing Opportunity

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

The Mars Venus Franchise Opportunity
Master Franchise and Coach Franchise opportunities are currently available in select international markets. Master Franchisees are responsible for expanding the Mars Venus system in a designated territory or region through a network of Coaching Franchises within their respective territories.

Coach Franchisees are responsible for offering the Mars Venus Coaching system through the direct coaching of life and/or executive coaching clients. Coach Franchisees also market a range of exclusive Mars Venus products, as well as one-on-one or group coaching, workshops, and seminars to their coaching clients and/or the general public.

The Mars Venus Franchise System

The Mars Venus Franchise system has been created, developed, and refined over many years, and it is the result of the combined efforts of a number of the world’s leading business, marketing, and franchise industry experts. Clearly the Mars Venus system has been designed to not only capitalize on its megabrand status, but to also capitalize on an unparalleled franchise system and support structure.

The Mars Venus system has introduced a structure designed to support Master and Coach Franchisees through a number of key areas including:

  • An extensive support network in major world markets.
  • Marketing funds and programs to ensure availability of marketing resources at all levels.
  • Marketing, public relations, and constant promotion of the Mars Venus brand across the globe, additionally supported and reinforced by the introduction and/or expansion of a varied range of Mars Venus products and services internationally.

The Mars Venus Franchise system offers Master and Coach Franchisees unparalleled profit potential, as the Mars Venus system is not only viable, but also critical to both the corporate and lifestyle markets. Additionally, revenue potential can be realized through the offering of Mars Venus merchandise and products.

Mars Venus Franchisees will benefit from:

  • Unrivaled support in the first year, including an intensive Induction Training of 7-10 days, followed by a 12-week Quickstart program immediately thereafter; a continuing Coach’s Coach assignment; conferences; and regional or territorial training meetings.
  • Ongoing training and support that is second to none.
  • $50 million already spent building the brand.
  • 98% brand recognition across the globe.
  • A feel-good brand that is like no other.
  • Media attention and interest.
  • Involvement with one of the world’s fastest-growing industries.
  • Low overheads with diverse profit potential.

For over 30 years the Mars Venus brand has enjoyed phenomenal growth and success, and it now offers franchising internationally with an unmatched opportunity to capitalize on this megabrand.

Coaching Statistics – Mars Venus Coaching

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Have you seen the statistics below? The numbers may be alarming to you! Could you use 25.7% more income? Is your personal and professional life where it should be or even more could be? Go to our website and request your free coaching session today! Take control today and make your desires a reality, a Mars Venus Success Coach can help you do just that.

Coaching Statistics