Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’
Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Rosa recently attended the Mars Venus Coach Induction Training here in Las Vegas as a trainer. She was certified at that training as an official Mars Venus Coaching Trainer. Congratulations Rosa! Below is her Bio in Spanish and English.
Rosa María Botrán ha sido el tipo de persona que siempre ha buscado la manera de ayudar a otras personas. Una experiencia en su vida le enseñó una gran lección: Atento, no se sabe en qué momento vas a tocar la vida de alguien más. Esto la lleva a aprender nuevas formas y técnicas para asistir a otras personas a crear una mejor vida. Ella ha participado en varios seminarios de desarrollo personal, lo que la ha ayudado, no sólo a mejorar su propia vida, sino la de otros.
La curiosidad innata que Rosa posee, así como su profundo deseo de ayudar a otros la llevó a convertirse en entrenadora certificada de Programación Neuro Lingüística. Con esto, ella ha trabajado exitosamente con varios deportistas a que logren hacer cambios que han mejorado su desempeño en su juego y por lo tanto, sus resultados. También ha entrenado maestros en estas técnicas para que puedan asistir a sus alumnos a que aprendan de una mejor manera.
Con una licenciatura en mercadeo y dos maestrías, y más de 20 años de carrera exitosa en el sector corporativo, Rosa sintió la necesidad de ir por su sueño más grande: ayudar a otros a llevar una mejor vida. Convertirse en una Coach de Mars Venus le ha dado las herramientas y técnicas que le permiten asistir a sus clientes a alcanzas sus objetivos.
Adicional al Coaching, Rosa también es facilitadora de seminarios y talleres enfocados en mejorar relaciones, tanto personales, como en el lugar de trabajo.
Rosa María Botrán is the type of person that has always looked for ways to help other people. One experience in particular taught her a great lesson: Be aware – you never know whose life you are going to touch.
This had prompted her to acquire new programs and learn new techniques to assist other people in creating a better life. She has attended many personal development seminars, which have helped her improve her own life as well as those of others in a very positive way.
Rosa´s natural curiosity and drive to help people led her to become an NLP trainer. She utilized this to successfully coach sports people to make changes within themselves in order to improve their ‘game’ performance, and she’s trained teachers to assist their students in learning new methods to better learning skills.
With a degree in Marketing, two MBAs, and after more than 20 years of working successfully in the corporate world, Rosa felt the need to pursue her real passion – that of helping people lead better lives.
Becoming a Mars Venus Coach has given her the additional tools and skills to help others create the life they dream of and deserve by utilizing the latest coaching techniques to assist her clients in achieving their goals.
Aside from direct coaching, Rosa facilitates workshops and seminars to improve relationships, both personally and within the work place.
Tags: business coaching, communication, dr. john gray, english, Executive Coaching, Franchise, guatemala, Las Vegas, license, life coaching, mars venus coaching, Relationships, spanish, stress, training
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Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Do you feel constantly stressed out and on edge?
Or are you tired of your partner having a short fuse with you?
Is stress negatively affecting your relationships? Are you constantly arguing?
Are you feeling tired and fatigued all the time?
Are you having difficulty falling and staying asleep?
Is stress making you sick or causing you to gain weight?
Are you having trouble concentrating?
Are you moody and irritable much of time?
Our bodies were never designed to be under the amount of constant stress we find ourselves experiencing in today’s world. Now imagine for a moment, if you knew why men and women reacted so negatively under stress and how to practice “safe stress”. What it would be like if you and your partner understood how to better cope with stress yourselves, and how to help the other cope with stress more effectively as well. What would it look like? How would it feel to have a warm, loving and supportive relationship once again? To not be anxious all the time or to feel like you are walking on eggshells? How would it feel to be in a relationship in which you truly felt supported, understood and nurtured? This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. You can have a less stressful life and a more satisfying relationship if you are willing to learn what it takes.
For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our “Why Mars & Venus Collide…How Men and Women Cope With Stress Differently” eWorkshop is available online. In the past 8 months we’ve been bombarded with stories of doom and gloom relating to the economy. One of the effects of this is the increasing amount of stress these financial worries are placing on our relationships. In fact, financial stress is currently recognized as being one of the biggest problems in modern-day relationships; in part, because we don’t understand how men and women cope with stress differently. And because we don’t understand the differences, we tend to misinterpret them. And this often leads to misunderstandings and no-so-pleasant arguments.
Based on Dr. John Gray’s newest book, “Why Mars & Venus Collide”, this online eWorkshop is a fun, entertaining, and informative look at stress, including:
- • The negative effects of adrenaline and cortisol.
- • Why men and women respond to stress differently.
- • Practical ideas that can help men and women reduce stress for each other and themselves.
- • The role of the hormones testosterone and oxytocin in reducing stress.
This is a great workshop for individuals or couples alike.
The 5-session eWorkshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to reduce the stress in your life, and to help your partner do the same. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion.
Click the banner above for more information.
Tags: affiliate, communication, coping, dr. john gray, Franchise, gender, life coaching, mars venus coaching, Relationships, stress
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Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Is communication a serious problem in your relationship?
Is your relationship a source of stress, frustration and conflict?
Do you want to be more emotionally and physically connected?
Are you feeling increasingly hurt, distant and isolated?
Are anger and resentment wearing away at your bonds?
Now imagine for a moment, what it would be like if you and your partner were closer, more intimate, more loving. What would it look like? How would it feel to have a warm, loving and supportive relationship once again? To be in a relationship in which you feel heard, respected and nurtured. This doesn’t have to live only in your imagination. It can be your reality. You can have a deeper, more satisfying relationship if you are willing to learn what it takes.
For the First Time Ever!
Now, for the first time, our Mars Venus – “The Secrets of Successful Relationships” Workshop is available online! It is an intensive, 5-week session, online eWorkshop, based on the relationship strategies contained in Dr. John Gray’s book, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”. This challenging and exciting workshop is presented live by a certified Mars Venus Success Coach, and supported with PowerPoint slides, video clips from some of Dr. Gray’s former sessions or workshops, theory, skills and interactive workshop exercises. You’ll receive powerful strategies, tips, and the tools you’ll need to create great relationships. You’ll even receive a certificate of completion. The workshop will provide you with practical ideas and proven relationship strategies that can be immediately applied to your own situation. You’ll participate in practical exercises designed to help you create lasting and loving relationships. You’ll learn:
- • How to communicate with the opposite sex
- • How to increase self esteem and confidence
- • How to ‘score points’ with the opposite sex
- • How to balance your work and personal life
- • How to increase your personal and professional growth
- • How to let go of the anger, sadness, fear, and/or guilt that keeps you from attracting and creating empowering relationships
- • How to make sense out of confusing emotions that inhibit true intimacy
5 weekly sessions for only $298 (that’s just $59.60 per session). Each weekly session lasts approximately one hour.
Click on the Banner above for more information!
Tags: communication, dr. john gray, life coaching, Mars Venus, mars venus coaching, men are from mars, Relationships, women are from venus, workshops
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Monday, October 11th, 2010
Put some extra cash in your pocket while spreading the word about Mars Venus Coaching’s NEW eWorkshops! It’s our way of saying thank you for your kind referrals. As an expert in the field of communication, John Gray’s focus is to help men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. By spreading the word about Mars Venus Coaching’s eWorkshops, you can help to share John Gray’s powerful message with the world – and get PAID to do it! Do you have friends, family, or coworkers that could benefit from eWorkshops on relationships, dating, starting over, raising children, dealing with stress, or help coping with issues at work? We all do! These eWorkshops provide simple, practical tools and insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages and ages by creating the brain and body chemistry of health, happiness and lasting romance. In fact, these are the same life-changing, workshops that John Gray and his team of Mars Venus Success coaches have given in-person throughout the world. And now people can benefit from these workshops in the comfort of their own home.
Make a difference in the life of someone you know (or even someone you don’t know) and let us reward you for your efforts!
- The Mars Venus Affiliate Program pays you 25% of each eWorkshop purchase you refer to us!
- And when you sign up another affiliate, you’ll earn an additional 10% on each of their referral sales
- The best part…it’s COMPLETELY FREE to sign up!
Fill out the form to become an affiliate today…it’s FAST and it’s FREE!
Tags: affiliate, business, coaching, dating, divorce, dr. john gray, help, home based, life, mars venus coaching, parenting, Relationships, small business, starting over, Success, workshops
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Friday, August 13th, 2010
Khaled Sharaf of Amman, Jordan has joined Mars Venus Coaching. Amman is the capital and largest city of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. A city of about 2 million inhabitants (2008 estimate), it is the country’s political, cultural and commercial centre and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Khaled Sharaf joins Mars Venus Coaching with a strong background in the restaurant industry. He has over 27 years of experience in the industry; he spent most of his time in the Fast Food and the full service segments (casual and formal). Restaurant Operations was his specialty and he had received his MBA in 2004.
The restaurant industry is such a unique business, where so many moving parts need to be managed differently, separately, yet all at the same time. Kal’s passion for people made him a successful person, manager, and leader. Kal made many of his achievements through the many people he has come across in the business internally and externally. He found himself developing key people to be the best at what they currently, and others getting to the next level of excellence professionally and financially. This is Kal’s most cherished part of his experience.
Kal decided to take his knowledge, experience and the continuation of his passion for people a step above. He started a consulting business. He named it, TOGETHER, to help individuals and business developing systems, people, and meet their financial objectives. He worked with companies in the US, Jordan, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. As Kal was looking for a franchises, his path was crossed by Mars Venus Coaching, he knew right away that this the launching pad for achievements both for him and for his clients.
For more information about Mars Venus Success Coaching, contact Amy Kamstra at the Global Headquarters at 702-835-9295 and visit the website at:
Tags: business coaching, Corporate Training, Executive Coaching, franchising, Gender Intelligence, John Gray, Jordan, life coaching, mars venus coaching, Relationships, Rich Bernstein
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Thursday, July 22nd, 2010
Mars Venus Coaching July 2010 Life, Executive and Business Coach Training Graduates
Congratulations to our most recent graduates; (L-R, Front Row) Wim Vrolijk and Karlijn Vrolijk – Netherlands, Toni Culph – Australia, Yvonne Allen – Australia, Nicole Brandon – California, (L-R, Back Row) Darrin Clarke – Utah, Kal Sharaf – Jordan, Yasser Shaker – Egypt, Eric Cole – Canada.
Tags: Australia, Business Coach Training, business coaching, California, Canada, Egypt, Franchise, John Gray, Jordan, Life Coach Training, life coaching, Mars Venus, mars venus coaching, Netherlands, Relationships, Rich Bernstein, Utah
Posted in Workplace | No Comments »
Thursday, June 10th, 2010
Please take a look at our Mars Venus Coach in the United Kingdom; Nadia Ansari

Hello, and welcome, glad you decided to stop by…
Whether you’re familiar with coaching or it’s a completely new concept to you, I’m pretty confident you will have heard of the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
I first came across it in the form of Mars and Venus on a Date, when I started dating a particularly wonderful, but equally alien ‘Martian’ male… I’d often find myself pulling out my hair and despairing at the differences between us, at times thinking the relationship must surely be doomed! This was until a dear friend lent me her copy of the book… that was almost two years ago and I’m pleased to say that nowadays the relationship is a much happier and calmer, ever-growing and blossoming one.
So that’s where my enthusiasm for the Mars Venus work came from – because I experienced first-hand how much it worked. I’ve always been fascinated by human interactions despite being originally trained as a Business Analyst after following what others recommended as a ‘sensible degree’ in Information Systems Analysis. Even though I gained a First Class Honours in this, after some time trying to do the sensible thing, I still felt drawn more drawn to humans over computers.
Thus, as you might imagine, when the opportunity arose for me to be the first person in the UK to be trained by Dr. John Gray, said author of the now world renowned Mars & Venus name, I was pretty excited. I am proud to be the first Mars Venus coach in the UK and part of the international and ever-growing Mars Venus team – in fact I’m so committed to the idea of coaching that I have a coach too.
The reason for this is I believe continued education is essential for personal growth, and as such we could all use a coach to help us achieve our best – it is after all the reason that so many musicians and athletes already use coaches… not because they are at the bottom of the well and not sure how to get out, but because they want to continuously improve in order to achieve their best. It is personal development and learning that leads us to the wonderful feelings of empowerment and a ‘can do’ attitude. This renewed sense of understanding and achievement can have a fantastic impact on your personal and business life; as one naturally compounds the other.
OK, so that’s all very nice, but where does my drive to help you set your goals and achieve them come from? Well, just over three years ago I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that not only was making me very unwell, but also, as I was repeatedly informed, was ‘barely treatable and certainly incurable’. I went through a period of time feeling very sorry for myself and thinking ‘why me’ – but eventually found that far too depressing not to mention limiting – and so sought out other ways to resolve it. And I did.
Which is really what coaching is about: recognizing you’re in a situation that you’d like to change, then looking at all the various options that could enable you to make that change – then possibly trying a few that don’t work before finding one that does – following it through… and bingo, before you know it, you’re there.
It’s for that reason I’m passionate in helping people actualise and realise their full potential, both at home and at work. To help you to achieve these results, I hold seminars and one-to-one coaching sessions based on the Mars Venus Coaching principles. The focus is primarily on your personal and/or business goals; as well as helping men and women understand, respect, and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. Whether you have a general feeling that you’re not completely satisfied with life, love, work or play – or you have a very specific idea of exactly what is lacking in your life but are not quite sure how to change it, I can help you figure it out and get the changes rolling in.
So review my introduction from Dr. Gray at the top of the page, take a look at the feedback from a client below… and think about it – why not coaching? Then contact me through the email or telephone numbers listed…. and I’ll look forward to working with you in achieving your goals!
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. – Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog
Client Testimonial:
“I found Nadia’s life coaching extremely useful. Nadia’s methods are far more proactive and specific than business mentoring I have had in the past. Nadia understands her clients’ businesses and relationships. She provides expertise in a way that is easy to understand and put into action. She is professional and approachable, and I would highly recommend her for mentoring and seminars. Working environments can only benefit from seeking her advice.”
M. Davies
One-to-one client
Tags: brian tracy, business coaching, Executive Coaching, Franchise, John Gray, life coaching, Mars Venus, mars venus coaching, mars venus success coaching, Money, nadia ansari, professional goals, Relationships, Rich Bernstein, Team, Time, united kingdom
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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Tags: business coaching, business own, business owner, franchising, John Gray, mars venus coaching, mars venus success coaching, Relationships, Rich Bernstein, seminars, success stories, workshops
Posted in Workplace | No Comments »
Friday, May 28th, 2010
Have you seen the statistics below? The numbers may be alarming to you! Could you use 25.7% more income? Is your personal and professional life where it should be or even more could be? Go to our website and request your free coaching session today! Take control today and make your desires a reality, a Mars Venus Success Coach can help you do just that.

Tags: Executive Coaching, Franchise, John Gray, Las Vegas, life coaching, Mars Venus, mars venus coaching, mars venus success coaching, Profits, Relationships, Rich Bernstein, Statistics, success coaching
Posted in Workplace | No Comments »
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010
Hormonal Balance -The Key to Life, Love and Energy
Spend personal time with John Gray, Ph. D. in this special 4 day event. Learn new and effective communication techniques and insights for enriching all your relationships, while also exploring how you can create a lifetime of health, happiness and lasting passion through balancing hormones. John has spent over 40 years developing the ultimate transformation experience. Not only does it include his innovative and unique approach for opening both the mind and heart, but also reveals a new practical philosophy in all aspects of your life; health, wealth, love and happiness.
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Tags: business coaching, Happiness, Healing, John Gray, mars venus coaching, Passion, Relationships, Retreat, success coaching, Wellness
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